This is Our
System: Reset
2020 – 2021

The ‘Intersectional Convergence of European Youth towards Green New Deal’ (ICEY-GND) action aims to provide a platform for empowered and more inclusive democratic and civic youth engagement in multi-leveled decision-making for the future we want to have, by providing the mechanism to engage underrepresented youth across the board in a more structured intersectional cooperation for collective visioning and joint plans and actions towards a socially just and ecologically sound future.
It empowers young people and marginalized youth groups, to embark on collective visioning and joint planning, and have their demands amplified in national and European decision making processes. Project partners are: YFoEE – Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Croatia, Ireland, Malta, North Macedonia and Spain.
Results achieved:
Green Voice (Zelen glas)
Digital participatory platform created as a place where everyone can share the challenges they face in their communities, and contribute with ideas for solutions and be part of the decision making processes. By creating this virtual space, we want to gather inputs from various groups that will contribute to the national Green Deal. The platform includes introduction to the Green Deal, Coalition of the Future and all activities connected to it. The inputs are gathered through the collective visioning form.
Collective visioning form
On the Green voice web platform - the Coalition of the Future, through a process of collective visioning, gathers the visions of the citizens from the country for their ideal place to live and act, and creation of the national Green Deal. The final vision-based policies will be communicated to all relevant national governmental and non-governmental institutions, decision-making bodies and Parliament, submitted to the European Commission, MEPs and EU bodies working on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans.
Contours of National Green Deal
Co-created plan created on the basis of a long-term collective vision for a socially just and environmentally friendly and climate-sustainable society in 2030, with concrete short-term steps to begin reorganizing the current political and economic system.
Balkan Regional Forum
A 3-day long online event and an open platform for organizations, individuals, initiatives and institutions from across the Balkan countries to jointly discuss and create the Balkan Green and Just Recovery Plan, as well as to inspire future plans and the contours of the Balkan Green Deal.
Contours of Balkan Green Deal
The Balkan Green Deal consists of collectively created visions for a socially just and environmentally sound future with concrete steps that need to be taken to make that future a reality. This includes bold and specific policy recommendations based on principles of justice and equity for all, and demands for policymakers to not only do what is politically possible, but what is desperately needed.
Balkan Green & Just Recovery Principles
The Balkan Green Deal Coalition developed the Balkan Green and Just Recovery Plan that put people and the planet first and set out radical demands for building back better from the interlinked crises we are facing now. The collective visioning for the Balkan Green Deal & a Balkan Green & Just Recovery Plan was kicked off by the Balkan Regional Forum.
Youth and Communities for Environmental Justice
2018 – 2019

We created this strategic partnerships with this project and partnerships we aim to built capacity of 10 youth organisations across Europe to develop inclusive climate justice campaigns and create long-lasting relationships with marginalized communities in their national contexts. Through this, the project helped reach groups directly affected by environmental injustice (target groups) and enabled their active participation in democratic processes of their countries. On international level the partnership aimed to identify, collect and implement best practices and methodologies on working with marginalized communities, as well as connected affected people and engaged them in a broader climate justice movement.
We worked on:
- Communities affected by development of large scale projects and land-grabbing (including mining, big energy projects, etc.). And delivered an international mini training together with YFoE Croatia and YFoE Cyprus groups.
Intersectionality in practice

The main topics we worked on were: connecting the term ‘Privilege’ with the current educational system in North Macedonia; Why should we divide people in unnecessary groups and thus creating “rules” for unequal treatment and representation of those groups of people; Certain society stigmas has made some of the people within one community to not care about their basic rights for equality and equity. We started looking at equality, privilege, oppression, justice and more, in organizations, school or other surroundings.
Putting intersectionality in practice as means to achieving social change; organized a day-long workshop where participants were familiarized with the work of Young Friends of the Earth Europe (YFoEE) and through different popular education methodologies were encouraged to discuss the intersections of the societal problems we are facing daily in our lives and our work. With that we discussed the need for intersectional approach to any activity towards achieving social change. In addition, the group discussed ways of practically implementing an intersectional approach into all of their individual work and the work with their organizations/ within their communities.
Let's create together!
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want to collaborate with us?
Please do reach us out on our email: or by filling the form: